Am I Too Old For A Boudoir Session?

You’ve waited a long time to book your boudoir session. You have a flurry of thoughts racing through your mind. You start feeling insecure, unnerved, and a little frazzled. You tell yourself to breathe. “You deserve this! You’ve earned this. It will be fine. I will be fine! Mature people go in for boudoir sessions all the time.” You walk to the mirror and see your C-section scar and the extra skin left on your belly from the weight you’ve gained and lost. You can still see your stretch marks & that large scar that runs down your thigh from that accident you were in. You scroll back up to your face and notice your fine lines and wrinkles and your graying hair. Your life has been filled with events that have left a road map on your body. It has been an eventful life so far and time has flown by way faster than you imagined it would. You look at yourself with empathy, kindness, and love.  All of a sudden you feel better about this session. You become excited again and decide it is time to celebrate your life events, your scars, and your journey.

Have you ever been in a situation where you find yourself looking in the mirror and wondering where the time has gone? You begin to remember how you have sacrificed so much for others in your life and how you always put yourself last. Well, NOW is your time to put yourself first. It’s okay that it took you this long to figure out how important you are. You are finally recognizing how strong and beautiful you are and how much you deserve to treat yourself to an empowerment session.

I’m here to tell you that boudoir is for ALL ages. There isn’t a “right or wrong time” to book your session. Every woman of every age is beautiful and has a story to celebrate. It’s never too late to celebrate you and your life journey.  Boudoir is NOT about your age, size, shape, gender, or body type. It’s about celebrating your personal road map; your life journey. The good news is that you can celebrate your life at any time! In your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s 60’s 70’s, and yes, even in your 80’s!

Yes! Boudoir is for ALL ages. It’s never too late to embrace your road map.